Welcome back to school! I am so excited about this year and all of the special projects and activities that we will do together. Speaking of projects, I am including a link to a class in Gettysburg, PA that last year's first graders "skyped" in the Spring (2009). All of the first graders read the book On the Same Day in March, by Marilyn Singer, we measured our weather that day, graphed the results, and posted our information on a wiki - http://onthesamedayinmarch.wikispaces.com/Memphis%2C+TN+USA. The class from Gettysburg sent us digital postcards over the summer welcoming us back to school and they are posted outside of the second grade classrooms in Davis Hall. Here is the link to their class' website and voicethread of the postcards that they sent us- http://www.gettysburg.k12.pa.us/webpages/cswinn/class.cfm
Check it out!
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