Monday, September 27, 2010

Cider and Cookies!

Today we are enjoying delightful Fall weather and getting ready to have apple cider and apple shaped cookies while we review the results of the online apple project. Schools from across the country participated in this project and shared the results of an apple seed count on an excel spreadsheet that includes our information. We will discuss "Johnny Appleseed Day" which celebrates the life of John Chapman and his efforts to spread apple seeds across the United States (his birthday was yesterday - September 26). Attached is a link to the project voicethread that includes two photographs and facts from St. Mary's - enjoy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

How 'bout them apples?

All of our second grade girls are participating in an online collaborative project called, "How 'bout them apples?". We used a brainstorming technique called K-W-L to decide what we already "Know" about apples and then "What we want to learn" about them. The girls utilized several websites that are bookmarked at or to write down interesting facts about apples that they are recording on chart paper in their classrooms. We will meet next week to share our facts (what we "Learned") and will post a few of them on a "voicethread" that is part of the project. I have also added "an assignment" to Renzulli Learning ( about apples for those students still "hungry for information" (this is not really an assignment, but rather something that they can pursue if they would like to!). The Renzulli assignment can be accessed through the girls' inboxes on the homepage right after they log-in.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting settled in...

The students and teachers are all settling in to our 2010-11 school year. New teachers, new schedules, a different mix of friends in the classes and new things to learn! It is exciting to watch the year beginning to unfold. The 2nd-4th grade students have all completed an updated profile on the Renzulli Learning website ( and are already asking me questions about things that they can study independently. How fun! The activities that are on their pages should correlate with things that they are interested in studying; however, they can always choose something different. There will be an upcoming "coffee chat" focusing on engaging your child in learning from home (I can't remember the exact title and date and will post it this week). Please let me or Mrs. Poje know if you have any questions about this. Hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend!